Left Hand Coordinates???

Is there any reason besides pure perversity that metal uses a left hand coordinate system?

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I'm discovering…

If I understand well, that comes from some openGL origin of Metal.


So "perversity" is OpenGL, but the link explains the rationale behind .

  • From your link I gather that OpenGL uses left hand coordinates but they end up as right hand coordinates by the projection matrix transform. All I know is that in porting a project from OpenGL, in which I designed my geometry with right hand coordinates, to Metal I found that everything came out **** backward. Would you know how to set up a Metal projection matrix so that it works the same as in OpenGL?

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I'm discovering…

If I understand well, that comes from some openGL origin of Metal.


So "perversity" is OpenGL, but the link explains the rationale behind .

  • From your link I gather that OpenGL uses left hand coordinates but they end up as right hand coordinates by the projection matrix transform. All I know is that in porting a project from OpenGL, in which I designed my geometry with right hand coordinates, to Metal I found that everything came out **** backward. Would you know how to set up a Metal projection matrix so that it works the same as in OpenGL?

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Included in the sample code project MigratingOpenGLCodeToMetal is the file AAPLMathUtilities. This file contains two functions for creating projection matrixes:

/// Constructs a symmetric perspective Projection Matrix
/// from left-handed Eye Coordinates to left-handed Clip Coordinates,
/// with a vertical viewing angle of fovyRadians, the specified aspect ratio,
/// and the provided absolute near and far Z distances from the eye.
matrix_float4x4 AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix_perspective_left_hand(float fovyRadians, float aspect, float nearZ, float farZ);

/// Constructs a symmetric perspective Projection Matrix
/// from right-handed Eye Coordinates to left-handed Clip Coordinates,
/// with a vertical viewing angle of fovyRadians, the specified aspect ratio,
/// and the provided absolute near and far Z distances from the eye.
matrix_float4x4  AAPL_SIMD_OVERLOAD matrix_perspective_right_hand(float fovyRadians, float aspect, float nearZ, float farZ);

So, I guess one can define the geometry of one's objects using either a right hand or a left hand coordinate system and have it display properly depending on which of these two one uses to construct the projection matrix.

This is good. I think I understand things much better now.