AVPlayer's rate affects the MPRemoteCommandCenter functionality?

When the player's rate is being set to a different value than 1.0 I am experiencing after a few seconds issues with handling different remote commands.

In my case when I change the rate e.g. to 3.0 after a little time only remoteCenter.playCommand's handle is triggered. Even when the player still plays. The handlers return .success after the block content is successfully executed. All relevant commands are enabled (command.isEnabled).

The properties of MPRemoteCommandCenter are pretty simple so there is a little space to adjust it.

  • I have tried to toggle the isEnabled value on different commands.
  • Explicitly called unregisterForRemoteNotifications, registerForRemoteNotifications on UIApplication
  • Tested the case only with the playCommand, and pauseCommand.
  • Used the older API with selectors

Nothing of this has helped.

let remoteCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
remoteCenter.playCommand.addTarget { [weak self] _ in ...