Clear App Cache

I am using WKWebView inside my Swift App for SSO login. Now, SSO session is retained due to cookies saved.

In Android there's an option to clear the cache or clear data from their settings Apps. Can I make my iOS App eligible for such a feature?

I don't want to give an option inside my Application to clear the cache. is there any external option available which can be used for this inspite of Re-installing the application.


To manually delete app data on iOS without specifying the app name, you can follow these steps:

Open the "Settings" on your iOS device.

Scroll down and tap on "General".

Select "iPhone Storage" or "iPad Storage" depending on your device.

In the list of installed apps, locate the app you want to delete data for and tap on it.

You will now see a detailed view of the app with information about storage usage. Here are several options:

"Delete App": This will remove the entire app from your device, including all data and settings. "Offload App": This option will remove the app but keep its documents and data intact. You can reinstall the app later without losing your data. "Delete App and its Data": This option will remove the app and all associated data from your device. Choose the desired option based on your requirements. If you only want to free up storage space without removing the app, you can select "Offload App".

Please note that manually deleting app data will free up storage space on your device but may not necessarily improve the app's performance. Deleting the app will result in the loss of all associated data and settings. Make sure to back up any important information before deleting the app or its data.