While local builds and builds on virtual machines as e.g. GitHub Actions work well, our native iOS apps do not build with Xcode cloud. The failure is as following - the config files are available in local builds. I wonder why Xcode cloud has trouble finding or opening them?
2021-11-27T10:58:30.190661Z /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TreecounterApp/Pods-TreecounterApp.release.xcconfig:1:1: error: unable to open file (in target "TreecounterApp" in project "TreecounterApp")
2021-11-27T10:58:30.190714Z /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TreecounterApp/Pods-TreecounterApp.release.xcconfig:1:1: error: unable to open file (in target "TreecounterApp" in project "TreecounterApp")
2021-11-27T10:58:30.190763Z /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TreecounterApp/Pods-TreecounterApp.release.xcconfig:1:1: error: unable to open file (in target "TreecounterApp" in project "TreecounterApp")
2021-11-27T10:58:30.191118Z Result bundle written to path:
2021-11-27T10:58:30.191243Z /Volumes/workspace/resultbundle.xcresult
2021-11-27T10:58:30.191345Z ** ARCHIVE FAILED **