I am using tabview more than 5 tabs on sixth tab it showing "More" option I want to hide it

I am using tabview more than 5 tabs. On sixth tab it showing "More" option I want to hide More Option Button On Navigation Bar

 I want to hide More Option Button

AFAIK, you cannot.


I am using tabview more than 5 tabs.

What do you want to do with tabs 6 and over ?

A solution is to have just 5 tabs and some of them calling a new tabBar…

That's unfortunate. There are very popular apps that have use cases with 6-7 items in their tabview.

If you have a custom TabView and using a system one for rendering screen content, then you can use the tabViewStyle modifier to hide the more button that showing up on navbar. For example:

struct ContentView: View {
  let tabBarItems = TabBarItem.allCases // A custom enum array including all possible tabs
  @State var selected: TabBarItem = .home // Selected TabBarItem

  var body: some View {
// ...
        TabView(selection: $selected) {
          Group {
            Text("First Screen")
            Text("Second Screen")
          .toolbar(.hidden, for: .tabBar) // Hide system tabBar
        .tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .never)) // @See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/pagetabviewstyle
        CustomTabBar(bottomBarItems, selected: $selected) // Render your custom TabBar
I am using tabview more than 5 tabs on sixth tab it showing "More" option I want to hide it