I am bit of curious after a lot of research I could not find any library related to image inPainting .....is there any library which I can use for image inPainting e.g to remove object from image etc thanks
Is there any Image inPainting library in Swift ?
Any idea or suggestion?
Just a question. Does inPainting refer to some specific library that exists elsewhere than iOS or is it just a word I never heard of before ? There are apps that do that, but I am not aware of any library for such image processing.
@Claude yes image inPainting is library available for python,C++ etc but after a lot of research I could not find anything related to that for swift
If you have the Python scripts, you could probably call them from Swift code:
h t t p s : / / rockyshikoku.medium.com/calling-python-scripts-from-swift-by-pythonkit-faf41757e890
Hi community,
Is there any news on this subject ?
Thanks in advance,