My application is not launching after installing the app.

Hello all,

I am new to MAC, using XCode 13.2.1; to build an APP which is installing as expected... but it is not launching the UI.

UI is bundled in electron code and the business logic is written in 'C'.

When I checked the process... I see my process is running!!! below is the screen snippet.

nanohealbuildmachine@NanoHeals-MacBook-Pro log % ps -ae | grep -i cust       8821 ??    26:55.95 cust  9168 ttys000  0:00.00 grep -i cust

Below code line is written to launch the application just after clicking the Finish button during the installation.

[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:NanohealAppFilePath];

I noticed a warning message in the suggestion box saying

'launchApplication:' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 11.0 - Use -[NSWorkspace openApplicationAtURL:configuration:completionHandler:] instead.

Please suggest the correct code to replace which helps me to get my app working as expected.

Advance thanks for your time to helping me to resolve my issue.


My application is not launching after installing the app.