iOS 15 app ui keep breaking after few hour kept in background

I have a similar issue in an iOS react-native app after iOS 15 upgrade but with not a crash. If someone opens the app after ~1 hour from the last time he/she opened it, the app skips the SplashScreen and after that nothing renders correctly. The positioning and order of components are wrong.

Just for interest, @kinjal_boghara, has this question already been posted before, by @michalis-ligopsychakis?

And this one, by @dhairyasenjaliya
(Which has been answered.)

What is going on here?

  • Have you created all these accounts, to repeat the same question?
  • Or are multiple people asking the same question (then ignoring the answers)?
  • Why?

I (and others) are happy to help, if you are genuine.

If the app has been backgrounded for about an hour, then it is reactivated...

  • It might still be in memory, so it will "resume" operation
  • It might have been removed from memory, so it will "relaunch"

The first step in your diagnosis is to distinguish between those two cases.

Other thoughts:

  • Are you saving state when the app is backgrounded?
  • Are you restoring state on foregrounding?
  • Is what you call the "SplashScreen" actually the Launch Screen, that shows when the app is Launched, or is it something else?
iOS 15 app ui keep breaking after few hour kept in background