I need to load the file (https://tmptetaviplayerpoc.blob.core.windows.net/temp-files/alisa/alise_000.tet) in order to do this I use the standard iOS method
if let loadPath: URL = self.URL {
let start = DispatchTime.now()
let (data, _, error) = loadPath.download()
let end = DispatchTime.now()
the downloading speed I get is weird as - file size is 3738940 bytes / 3.7 MB MB
, a number of frames are 20
, download time is - 6.600698917 sec
So, I made a calculation and the result is that 20 (current fame number) * 1,5 (30fps) * 8 (bytes) = 44 Mbs
, so it means if my internet connection is 44Mbs it would be enough in order to keep the speed, BUT I did a speed test and I see that my connection is 180 Mbs.
So, the question is - what is a possible reason that I have 180 Mbs and it takes me to download the file 6.6 sec?