Custom business trading app, possible rejection ?

We have a web app involving trading virtual token.

Users create account and are given a virtual wallet.

They feed wallet with real money via credit card or bank transfer.

Then, they buy our virtual token with their wallet credit and we collect fees at each purchase.

We use banking API for money transfer and management.

We also plan to put our token on blockchain(s) and trade via cryptocurrencies.

2 questions :

  • if we develop an iOS app and distribute it on AppStore, will Apple accept such features and not reject this business ?
  • will Apple’s commission of 30% apply on purchases or transfers ?

We are not lawyers, instead of asking here, search the app store itself for any already existing business models similar to yours. Read sections 3.1.5:

will Apple accept such features

Look also at guidelines 5.1.1

(ix) Apps that provide services in highly-regulated fields (such as banking and financial services, healthcare, gambling, legal cannabis use, and air travel) or that require sensitive user information should be submitted by a legal entity that provides the services, and not by an individual developer. Apps that facilitate the legal sale of cannabis must be geo-restricted to the corresponding legal jurisdiction.


will Apple’s commission of 30% apply on purchases or transfers

I guess so (or 15% for small businesses in North America)

Custom business trading app, possible rejection ?