Xcode 13.2 and autocompletion

I've updated Xcode to 13.2 and suddenly the code completion that used to turn numberOfRowsInSection into 

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

...inside a UITableViewController is no longer working.

Anyone else experiencing this?

This autocomplete still works for me.

Xcode 13.2 (13C90)
(From the Developer website, not the broken App Store version 13.2)

Maybe the App Store Xcode 13.2 has further issues?
See https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/696504

I still have the same problem in the Developer website's Xcode 13.2 (13C90)

Other autocompletions are also missing, String's init(contentsOf:) here for example:

I've tried using DevCleaner.app and clearing out everything. Removed Xcode completely and reinstalled... still same problem.

I faced the same problem, after I updated xcode to version 13.2.1 I had a problem with autocomplete. I tried reinstalling xcode but it didn't work for me. I remembered that I had previously enabled code build acceleration (defaults write com.apple.dt.XCBuild EnableSwiftBuildSystemIntegration 1), which was introduced with xcode 13.2. I disabled this method, via the command line and it helped me, autocomplete reappeared.

In my case, autocomplete did not work only in projects that I create with xcode 13.2.1. In the projects that were created earlier, everything worked fine.

If you encounter a similar problem, try writing to the command line and reloading xcode.

defaults write com.apple.dt.XCBuild EnableSwiftBuildSystemIntegration 0
Xcode 13.2 and autocompletion