Error 2003332927 (who?) in CoreMediaIO module

Since upgrading to macOS 12.0.1 from 11.6 I am now getting this strange error in my debug console while running in Xcode 13.1:

2021-12-09 08:25:22.251548-0600 Test Player[66635:564515] [aqme]    MEMixerChannel.cpp:1639 client <AudioQueueObject@0x7fd258943000; [0]; play> got error 2003332927 while sending format information

Through reading other posts and finding a site that shows information about various Apple API Errors, that site does not explain where to look or how to track down this error.

It appears the error is coming from CoreMediaIO specifically in CMIOHardware.h.

How do I get to the root of this error and fix it? It appears to not affect the compiling and running of the app, but I do not like to see these kinds of errors popping up.

  • After digging a little more on this, I found this old Apple SDKs for CMIOHardware.h over at github which shows "kCMIOHardwareUnknownPropertyError" means "The CMIOObject doesn't know about the property at the given address."

    So, does this mean Apple is messing with something in the API/SDK that is now throwing this error?

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I have been getting the same console error in my app that processes a PVR recording.

` [aqme]        MEMixerChannel.cpp:1639  client <AudioQueueObject@0x11bc31000; Unknown FigPlayer; [0]; play> got error 2003332927 while sending format information

Apple AV core media seems unable to smoothly handle anything but "perfect" AV streams.

At least this one does not cause the spinning beach ball (well, yet, anyway)...

same issue

I'm having the same issue (“[aqme]        MEMixerChannel.cpp:1629  client <AudioQueueObject@0x129258e00; [0]; play> got error 2003332927 while sending format information”).

It doesn't seem to affect anything that I can detect, but I'd like to understand what's happening. In some builds the issue seems to go away, but reappears in other builds. Haven't narrowed down how or why as yet.

My app is a SwiftUI app with shared code running on both macOS and iOS. I'm running macOS Monterey with Xcode 13 and have been having the same issue for several months (since April 2022).

There's a Stack Overflow post about this and related issues that at time of writing doesn't yet have any answers.

I'm getting the same error when playing the moveToTrash.aiff sound with AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url). It worked before Monterrey. Maybe after Apple gets done with the next round of emojis they could look into this.