I created a @propertyWrapper to limit the number a variable can reach. I tried it in a SwiftUI view with a button that increases the value of the variable and it works, the variable stops at the maximum number set in the initializer. However if I try it with a Textflied it doesn't work, if I insert a higher number than the one set nothing happens, it makes me do it. How can I solve this problem, I know the problem has to do with Binding but I don't know exactly what it is, here is the code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@Maximum(maximum: 12) var quantity: Int
var body: some View {
TextField("", value: $quantity, format: .number, prompt: Text("Pizza").foregroundColor(.red))
Button {
quantity += 1
} label: {
struct Maximum<T: Comparable> where T: Numeric {
@State private var number: T = 0
var max: T
var wrappedValue: T {
get { number }
nonmutating set { number = min(newValue, max) }
var projectedValue: Binding<T> {
get: { wrappedValue },
set: { wrappedValue = $0 }
init(maximum: T){
max = maximum
extension Maximum: DynamicProperty {
Thank You for your time