Xcode Cloud timing out and not building our app

Frequently when Xcode builds our app we end up (after two hours) getting a build failure: The archive action was stopped because it has exceeded the maximum time allowed to run. Actions are limited to 120 minutes.

Other times, it completely successfully in about 35 minutes. It seems to randomly happen. Is this a known issue?

Us too. FB9790220.

Good suggestion. Just filed one as well: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/9790262

This is happening constantly now for my builds

Same issues every time to build.

I notice this happens more on builds that are deployed to AppStore and External testing

Same issue. Not able to build. Error: Build has exceeded the maximum allotted time. Each build can run for up to 120 minutes. If a build has not yet finished at this time, all incomplete actions will be canceled.

Same issue here - When its successful it takes less than 20 minutes to build but that only seems to happen once every 5 attempts or so. The rest are just timing out without any errors showing up in logs. Have confirmed Cocoapods is setup correctly so no issues there. Will also file in feedback assistant fwiw

This is happening to us since 25 Jan. No matter the setup, running tests are failing in every workflow.

I just submitted another ticket as well: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/9878685

Same issue here for new workflows. Some existing workflows seems to still work.

We're encountering the same issue. For us, the build is always timing out. Filed case through feedback assistant as well.

Did anyone get an answer on this? This has been happening to us and when I contact support they just send a prewritten response that assumed we had no idea what we were doing…

Hello from 2024, it's happening again for us, started 2 days ago on some builds, now happening pretty reliably (or the opposite)

exceeded the maximum allotted time


Running ci_post_xcodebuild.sh script failed (exited with code -1)

Which is probably a red herring, because we only have a single echo and if statement in that script.

Hello from 2024, and yes, it's happening again. In our case, we noticed that Xcode Cloud seems very slow. Running xcodebuild build-for-testing takes an average of 1h 20m (last week it took only 27m-30m on average), but the step Building workspace only takes 10m. We didn't make many code changes.

[@Hanif Sugiyanto](https://developer.apple.com/forums/profile/Hanif Sugiyanto) you are not alone, this is happening to us as well.

Xcode Cloud timing out and not building our app