Swift playgrounds 4

Switft Playgrounds 4 was announced with the release of iPadOS 15 in the summer to be released later this year. We are a few days away from December….is it still going to be released this year or has it been scrapped and is not coming out?

IMHO it will come soon. But few know the exact date, and those who know cannot tell. So we have all to be a bit more patient… and wait for it to be brought by Nicholas or Santa Claus.

is it still going to be released this year or has it been scrapped and is not coming out?

What are publicly released from Apple after the later this year statements: (not sure it was later this year or late this year.)


New Features in Xcode 13.2 Beta

Xcode 13.2 includes support for app projects created with Swift Playgrounds 4. (84436977)

  • Xcode 13.2 beta 2 still has a template for Swift Playgrounds App:

As far as I checked, this new template creates a new file type different than Swift Playgrounds 3 or Xcode Playground.

So, it is very unlikely that been scrapped and is not coming out.

You may need to wait a little more, but not too long. I strongly expect Apple would keep the promise late this year.

Swift Playgrounds 4 come until this year. Sure. Apple say about.


They just invited developers to test Playground 4:

h t t p s : / / w w w.macrumors.com

Apple Invites Some Developers to Try Swift Playgrounds 4 Ahead of Launch

Announced in Xcode 13.2 RC:

New Features Xcode 13.2 includes support for app projects you create with Swift Playgrounds 4. (84436977)

Come on Apple Devs!

Swift playgrounds 4