Can't access macOS Open Dialog element for testing

A UI test opens program preferences and clicks on a path item. That results in an open dialog box. So far so good. I used to be able to simulate shift-command-G which gave me a sheet I could use to enter a known test path. That stopped working, either with Xcode 13 or with macOS Monterey. Or perhaps earlier.

Shift-command-G opens something. It isn't a sheet or it is some new kind of sheet. The problem is I can not see any matching UI element in the Application tree of elements. Recording a test doesn't work, either. Interaction with the element is not recorded.

What is this element? Can it be manipulated with XCode UI tests?

Do you need to know the element type? Something like this should work: <#yourApplication#>.typeKey("g", modifierFlags: [.shift, .command]), then <#yourApplication#>.typeText("/tmp/") and finally <#yourApplication#>.typeKey(.enter, modifierFlags: []).

Thank you. A slightly modified version of that worked. I needed to send two .enters, one to terminate path entry and the other to close the open dialog.

Can't access macOS Open Dialog element for testing