how to extract text messages - financial service app

Hi, I work for an italian company that provides services for financial institutions.

We're developing an iOS App that needs to access the following information (last 3 months):

  • calls: type (in, out, missed), date and duration
  • text messages: type (inbox, sent, draft), date and raw text
  • list of bundle identifiers of each installed app
  • internet provider name

we read here that regulated financial services has special treatment, and our app (published by an italian bank) surely fits the description.

Can we receive technical specifications of how to read this information?

Did you try asking to Apple Support ?

I also work for a financial institution and good luck with that request. I can tell you now no such information is extractable unless you design for the user to provide it. Let alone why will a financial institution wan't access to text messages???

regulated financial services has special treatment

You are misinterpreting that text. It’s not about getting access to this information, it’s about what you do with information like this once you have it.

So, to be clear, the information you listed is not available via any API in the iOS SDK. If your app is being deployed to a managed environment then the device managers may be able to get some of it via MDM.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

how to extract text messages - financial service app