compile error when using svg assest in my private pod's AssestsCatalog

i try to use svg image in my pod, so i placed it in my pod's Assets.xcassests. Then i encoutered this error: error: An error occured while reading input image: ..../puffmain/Pod/Assets/PuffAssets.xcassets/search.imageset/search.svg

My XCode Version: 12.4

My Podspec file :

spec.resource_bundles = {
    'PuffMainImage' => ['Pod/Assets/PuffAssets.xcassets', 'Pod/Assets/*/*', 'Pod/Assets/*/*/*'],

I have tried the following :

  1. clean build cache
  2. pod install again
  3. rename the file

Other png assests in the same assets.xcassets are ok, and svg in the main project is OK, too.

I encountered an issue adding SVG files to an asset catalog which resulted in a non-zero exit code being thrown. It turns out there was one SVG in a group of 255 that the compiler didn't like. I ended up running an SVG cleaner on it and the issue resolved itself.

compile error when using svg assest in my private pod's AssestsCatalog