SwiftUI Picker looks different in Xcode 13.1

Basic SwiftUI picker was working fine. Updated to Xcode 13. It is no longer using wheel as default style. Manually setting picker style fixes it.

  • Why did the style change?
  • Is there a way to set the default style app wide?
  • Why did this change at all since we did NOT change the target version of iOS nor the build iOS version.
struct MyView: View {
    var arrayOfNames = ["Tom", "Nick", "Tony", "Dylan"]
        @State private var selectedIndex = 0
        var body: some View {
            Picker("Names", selection: $selectedIndex) {
                ForEach(0 ..< arrayOfNames.count) {

Code in our app that has not been modified now looks broken.

SwiftUI Picker looks different in Xcode 13.1