Package.resolved file is missing from the repository

For my first build, my package.resolved was not committed to the respository. I've fixed that and if I check my main branch on GitHub I can see the package.resolved file in the xcshareddata directory.

Even so, Xcode cloud is telling me that the file is missing and is failing to start my builds.

Could there be a caching issue going on?

My .gitignore file is empty.

Update: It appears that the main reason I'm getting this error is because one of my dependencies is failing to clone. This dependency is located in a private repository also hosted on GitHub, and I've granted authorization to this additional repo.

Could this be because Xcode-Cloud is trying to look in keychain for my normal git authentication info (username and token), but it's not available on the host?

Hey J0hn, did you manage to figure out what the issue was? I am running into the same problem. Package.resolved is checked in in GitLab, I can fin dit in the repo, yet Xcode cloud complains that it's missing. Cheers!

Hi J0hn, did you find a solution for this? I seem to ave the exact same problem you mention with the private repo on Github, and I can't find a way around it.

Package.resolved file is missing from the repository