macOS Monterey Xcode Update Questions (New Warnings)

Mac Mini (M1) macOS Monterey Version 12.0.1 (21A559) Xcode: Version 13.1 (13A1030d) Swift Language Version: 5

Today, I updated to Monterey. I started to work on an existing Xcode application after the Monterey update. Xcode immediately stated Xcode required an update too, so I did the update ...

My applications now see two new items in the debug window after the Xcode update, stating the following:

  1. copy_read_only: vm_copy failed: status 1.
  2. Warning: Column selection is not supported in view-based table and outline views (<NSTableView: 0x12e0e1800>).

Creating a new test application with Swift generates the first message too.

Unfortunately, I did not read the Xcode message properly. I should have created a snapshot of the comment Xcode stated after the update, and before I restarted my computer.

I wonder why Xcode generates the second warning too, when my applications do not select a column in any of my tableViews, although my applications retrieve, read, and write data source PList files to and from the Document Directiory, associated with the tableViews' displays. Then again, Xcode obviously knows something I do not know.

As a side note, the first error is not consistent. I can start an existing application and the first warning appears. I quit the application, then restart the application, where the warning appears a few more times in succession. I repeat the process a few times, and then the application does not show the warning, including the new test application in Swift. I do have an older application with Xcode 12 where the warnings do not appear at all.

If you have a moment, guidance would be appreciated, as to what I should (could) do to correct these new issues with Xcode, since I do not know where to start looking for a solution.

I shall bet $$$ the issue happens to be the statement made by Xcode after the update.

As always, thank you in advance with your suggestions.

Best regards,


I am getting the same new warning (Column selection is not supported ...) when I build on Monterey (2019 iMac). I have a custom NSTableView which contains 3 columns (all are text, two are hidden) that gets the warning. Nowhere in the code do I do anything to select a column. It does select rows, and it does do drag & drop. I have no clue why that warning is being given.

Regarding the "copy_read_only:" message. I was able to reproduce the messages on a MacOS app with the "Hello, world" initial view from a new SwiftUI app. I was able to make the message go away by giving the app read/write access to the user selected and pictures folders in the app sandbox, or by removing the sandbox.

To get rid of the "Warning: Column selection is not supported in view-based table and outline views", uncheck the Selection > Column checkbox in the table view properties in the Interface Builder.

Mark ... :]

Thank you for the information, but the [copy_read_only] message is still periodic within my current application, and newer test applications. I do now know how this warning affects any application, just yet, but I am sure I shall find out one day. I am uncertain about removing the [sandbox]. Again, thank you for your response.

Best regards,


latest macos i have updated ... and xcode 13.0.1 i have installed...but did not working "po" statement how to working here

The proposed solution of unchecking the column selection checkbox in IB attributes for the tableview does not solve it here ( macOS 12.4, Xcode 13.4.1 ). Maybe I'm too trusting but Xcode knows the column selection attribute is for a view-based tableview, so it could disable the Column checkbox to prevent the selection if it is truly not supported. The warning ( and whatever the underlying cause is ) has no visible impact on my app. Other workarounds and thoughts welcome ( TIA )!

macOS Monterey Xcode Update Questions (New Warnings)