How to get animation interpolation during animation?

I want to get animation interpolation during animation running.

just like code below:

Animator(begin:100,end:200).addListener({value in 
         //here will be called when animation updates.

But I can't find any API like the code above in iOS SDK.And I don't want to use any UIView or CALayer to get presentationLayer to get this value. So How can I do that?🤔🤔🤔

Animator does not exist in iOS. It is UIView.animate(withDuration)

Could you show real code you start with ?

I want invoke a method during animation,this method is in other framework not related with iOS SDK

What do you mean "not related to iOS SDK" ?

What are the parameters you want to animate between 100 and 200 ?

A workaround would be to animate "manually".

Or to call animate in a loop, from 100 to 200 ; then you can get the value as you need.

How to get animation interpolation during animation?