what "Zero Metal services found" means ?

Friendly greetings !

I'm on a MacBook Air M1, using Xcode 13.1, Swift. The full source code is below, as a MaOS Console Application

import Foundation
import Metal
import MetalKit
import simd

guard let device : MTLDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() else {
    fatalError("could not create metal default device")

let queue = device.makeCommandQueue()

print("Hello, World!")

The full output, running in debug from XCode is :

2021-10-29 06:00:16.567089+0200 FraCompute[71702:11572598] Metal API Validation Enabled

2021-10-29 06:00:16.621413+0200 FraCompute[71702:11572598] flock failed to lock list file (/var/folders/s7/7m1rt8kx3jq7c02mwclmnvf80000gn/C//com.apple.metal/16777235_322/functions.list): errno = 35

2021-10-29 06:00:16.628053+0200 FraCompute[71702:11572598] +[MTLIOAccelDevice registerDevices]: Zero Metal services found

Hello, World!

Program ended with exit code: 0

Running the sample "MacOS Game" default code (the one with the rotating cube) also give this "Zero Metal services found".

  1. What's a "metal service" anyway ? Googling for it obviously give me unrelated smithing service offer =^_^=
  2. It's not even "Metal Service not found" but, "I found Zero Metal Services", whatever that's supposed to mean ?
  3. is it "I didn't find any metal service" or is there a thing called "Zero Metal" ?

I can query the metal device name and it get me "Apple M1". No problem, everything seems to work fine (so far).

But what's the meaning of this message please ?

I also get such message from time to time. As there is no consequence, I now ignore them. They seem to be just internal test. It is common with Xcode.

what "Zero Metal services found" means ?