Getting error: [error]Error: /usr/bin/xcodebuild failed with return code: 65 in ms app center while building

I am trying to build my app on app center, but Achieve is getting failed, though I works locally on xcode.

The error is: While build getting this error: "xxxxx" requires a provisioning profile with the In-App Purchase and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'xxxxxx' from project 'xxxxxx') ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** ##[error]Error: /usr/bin/xcodebuild failed with return code: 65

I did check that the provisioning profile has in-app purchase and push notification features added.

Any points will be really appreciated. Thank you.

Have you got into any solution for this problem? I am also stuck in same situation and unable to find any help.

Getting error: [error]Error: /usr/bin/xcodebuild failed with return code: 65 in ms app center while building