I have a ViewController that calls a Xib view to popup (as a PressentationController). I need to put a single cell collectonview on that Xib view. How can I go about doing that because I cannot embed a collectionview in a Xib via storyboard. Is there a way to do that programmatically?
Xib file
calls a Xib view
What is it exactly ? Is it UIView ?
I cannot embed a collectionview in a Xib via storyboard.
What is it you cannot do ? I don't understand I just did it !
Correct... My apologies, I didn't specify. I meant as far as using a reusable Identifer...I was unable to add a cell to the collectionview nor was I able to see the identifier name in the property inspector. So I was wondering if it can be done programmatically.
Yes it is possible. See tutorial here:
h t t p s : / / medium.com/geekculture/create-a-uicollectionview-programmatically-8d62a3802b0f
Thanks, this helped a lot!