Blank App icon on the App Dashboard

Our App has been in the Store for the past 8 years and have not had any issues with the icon. Recently, when I compile the App onto the iPhone 13 Pro, the app icon is blank. Strangely its PRO version shows the icon on the App Dashboard.

The PRO version uses jpg for the icons and the lite version uses png. I made jpg for the lite version but that did not solve the blank icon issue for the Lite version of the App. Icons do not have alpha channels.

pro version has a folder images.xcassets which holds icons for both lite and pro lite version does not have a folder images.xcassets but I am not sure if that matters?

Xcode 13 iPhone 13 Pro


We found the answer. We re-did all the png files and made sure we had the icon sizes that Apple wanted. Also, all png files needed their alpha channels removed. Jpegs do not have alpha channels but Apple wants png files for the icons, not jpgs.