Image I/O Set Qualifier of MetadataTag

I am trying to set the description of an image. The metadata tag necessary to add the description is of type alternateText.

I create the child tag with the new description value:

let childTag = CGImageMetadataTagCreate(identifier.section.namespace, identifier.section.prefix, "[x-default]" as CFString, .string, value as CFTypeRef)

I then set the description tag like this:

let parentTag = CGImageMetadataTagCreate(identifier.section.namespace, identifier.section.prefix, identifier.tagKey, .alternateText, [childTag] as CFTypeRef)

let result = CGImageMetadataSetTagWithPath(metadata, nil, identifier.tagKey, parentTag)

However, when I write the image file, I get a runtime error message and the operation fails:

XMP Error: AltText array items must have an xml:lang qualifier

So, I create the qualifier tag like this:

let qualifierTag = CGImageMetadataTagCreate("" as CFString, "xml" as CFString, "lang" as CFString, .string, "x-default" as CFTypeRef)

But I have not found a way to associate this qualifier tag to the child tag with the description value.

What is the way to do it?

Image I/O Set Qualifier of MetadataTag