Xcode project and source control

Hi, ALL,

The Xcode project is a folder which contains multiple files/folders.

One of those is myproj.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/igorkorot.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/myproj.xcscheme

Does this file (and any other for that matter) should be under the source control?

It looks like the one referenced is constantly changing with every file being opened, so I guess it should be excluded.

What about anything else in the myproj.xcodeproj?

Thank you.


This is contains the html describing the build scheme.

It should only change when you change the scheme.

Another file contains breakpoints, no use to source control.

AFAIU, it should be safe to ignore all in your account (igorkorot) userData.

  • @Claude31,

    what about other files/folders in the xcodeproj directory?

    Thank you.

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@Claude31, what about other files/folders in the xcodeproj directory? Thank you