Hello , i got this crash in Crashlytics, and cannot solve this problem. As i understood, when users tap on button the button lost connect with event, but i cannot fix this problem. Please, help me.
Unclear crash - [UIApplication sendAction: to: from: forEvent:]
Could you show the relevant code of ManualReportViewController ? In particular pauseTap. Please provide enough code so that we can understand the context.
Hi, of course, thank you for respond:
@IBAction func pauseTap(_ sender: UIButton) { Constants.pauseStatus2 = false if Constants.dateTo != nil || Constants.dateFrom != nil { if Constants.dateTo == nil { Constants.dateTo = Constants.dateFrom } manualReportModel.checkPause(from: Constants.dateFrom, to: Constants.dateTo) { [self] () in if Constants.pauseStatus == nil { connectionError() } else { if Constants.pauseStatus! { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "ShowPauses", sender: self) } } else { pauseOff() } } } } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "ShowPauses", sender: self) } } }