I have an Image that I use foregroundColor on to modify it. Of course once it's modified it no longer is a plain Image. So then my struct init, that expects an Image parameter, requires that the modified Image get cast into an Image again. And this is what the XCode compiler recommends as well. However when I do that and run it it exceptions with: Could not cast value of type 'SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.Image, SwiftUI._EnvironmentKeyWritingModifier<Swift.Optional<SwiftUI.Color>>>' (0x132846fa0) to 'SwiftUI.Image'
Here's some code.
struct PostButton: View {
@EnvironmentObject var env: EnvironmentVM
var body: some View {
let primaryImage = Image(systemName: "plus.message").foregroundColor(getIconColor(env.darkMode.isOn)) as! Image
let cameraImage = Image(systemName: "plus.message").foregroundColor(getIconColor(env.darkMode.isOn)) as! Image
let messageImage = Image(systemName: "plus.message").foregroundColor(getIconColor(env.darkMode.isOn)) as! Image
ExpandingButtonPanel(primaryButton: ExpandingButton(label: primaryImage), secondaryButtons: [
ExpandingButton(label: cameraImage),
ExpandingButton(label: messageImage)
struct ExpandingButton: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let label: Image
let action: (() -> Void)? = nil
struct ExpandingButtonPanel: View {
@EnvironmentObject var env: EnvironmentVM
@StateObject var vm: PostVM = PostVM()
let primaryButton: ExpandingButton
let secondaryButtons: [ExpandingButton]