Run App on my physical device

i want to run my IOS app in a physical device before i buy a apple developer account are this is possible in Xcode Last version? The only available choice now is IOS simulator but i need to run it on a real device

Answered by OOPer in 691422022

If you have an Apple ID, you can run your app on your real device. (There are some restrictions.)

Accepted Answer

If you have an Apple ID, you can run your app on your real device. (There are some restrictions.)

I have the same problem since updating to Xcode 13 and iOS 15.0.2 it used to be possible to run an app on your own personal device. I have an unpaid account now but I don’t know if paying the $100 to apple will fix this problem. Such beautiful hardware and spectacular software with such limited support!

Run App on my physical device