Xcode 13 : Source Control Commit showing Intermediates Folder --- Auto Build Increment

I just created a new project in Xcode 13. When I go to commit the project the Build/Intermediates/XCBuildData folder keeps showing up. I assume I don't want to commit these but I can't get them ignored. Why are they showing up all the time? It's very annoying.

These files may have shown up after I enabled the Apple Generic for Versioning System under the Versioning section in the Build Settings. I'm then using agvtool next-version -all in a run script in the build phases to automatically increment the build number.

If this is the cause of all these files then I need another way to handle auto build number increment. As tracking that many files just to handle a simple build number is ridiculous.

It seems I can't use the old way of modifying the CFBundleVersion in the info.plist like I had done before xCode 13. Prior to xCode 13 I did this by using the following a run script in Build Phases

buildNumber=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "$INFOPLIST_FILE")
buildNumber=$(($buildNumber + 1))
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNumber" "$INFOPLIST_FILE"

CFBundleVersion doesn't exist anymore in the info.plist file. It seems to be automatically set to $(CURRENT_PRODUCT_VERSION). I've tried changing or removing this but ended up completely breaking my project file, which I had to trash, and recreate. Thankfully I hadn't written any code yet but I've been trying to sort out this simple process for hours now.

Very much welcome any thoughts or suggestions?

Additional info here...

This appears to be caused by adding cocoa pods to the project? I simply did pod init, added CocoaAsyncSocket as a pod, did a pod install, and opened the xcworkspace file. When I try to commit I get all those files...

Xcode 13 : Source Control Commit showing Intermediates Folder --- Auto Build Increment