How to reset macOS SwiftUI NavigationView settings for app?

When I create a simple app in macOS with a navigationView, each time I run the app, it remembers the settings I made last time I ran it. For example, the spacing of the sidebar/content boundary. How do I reset it to original values? For example, if I grab the divider and pull it left until it disappears, I cannot ever get the sidebar back. How can I get it back? I see the sidebar in preview and live preview, but not in the app after I modify the app as described above.

I did Clean Build Folder, restarted Xcode, restarted my iMac but nothing helped. macOS 11.6, Xcode 13.0

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {


I was able to restore the Sidebar in the app by adding a third Text object in the navigation view and building and running the app.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
          Text("More content")

Then stop the app, delete the third Text object, rebuild and run the app, and I am back to the original default settings. However, if I ever drag the boundary between Sidebar and Content too far to the left, it will disappear forever until I repeat this "fix". It sure would be nice to have a programmatic way to do this rather than rely on this kludge. Any help, anyone?

How to reset macOS SwiftUI NavigationView settings for app?