present SwiftUI view from SpriteKit scene

Is it possible to present a SwiftUI view from a SpriteKit scene? I have various sprites in the game scene. I want a SwiftUI view to pop up when I tap on a SpriteNode in the SKScene. In the past I have used something like this to present another UI view.

  if bloqsLogo.contains(location) {
                if instructionsOn == false {
                    let pop = InstructionsPopUp()
                    pop.tag = 104
                    instructionsOn = true
                } else
                    if instructionsOn == true {
                        if let viewWithTag = self.view!.viewWithTag(104) {
                            instructionsOn = false 

How can I do something similar but present a SwiftUI scene rather than a Subview or a UIView?

My SKScene is an instance of another SwiftUI view and presented there. A good part of my GUI is done in SwiftUI. I am basically wanting to code as much of my App as I can in SwiftUI while keeping the physics and sprites in a SKScene. All of which is going rather well besides this!