Search ads not accepting credit card and can't sign in from mobile Chrome on Windows

I've had two problems with Search Ads in the past day

1. I can't sign-in from Chrome on Windows even though I can sign into every other Apple site with the same credentials including iTunes Connect and the Apple Developer site. Signing in works in Safari on iOS & Mac.

2. I've tried multiple credit cards but keep getting "Error saving credit card information. Try again later" for the past few hours.


It's ok for me, chrome+win10. Maybe you can try Safari on Windows if you have use the platform in Windows.

Im currently having this issue would like to solve this problem

Same here:

Error saving credit card information. Try again later. (Error: 1491064461414)

I had this when I tried to renew. In my case I was trying to use a Visa Debit card, even though the rules say you can't and it has to be a credit card. However, I was originally able to sign up with my previous Visa Debit card, but then it expired, and the new version wouldn't work. So in some cases you might get this if you're not using a credit card. They demand a credit card as apparently this means they always get paid, whereas with a debit card there is a chance they don't get paid if there aren't enough funds in your bank account. So its a method of de-risking for them.

However, from what I've seen on here, I suspect this error message is actually a catch-all for a number of similar problems. For now, assume it means "we don't like the card you're offering for some unspecified reason or other". Yes, it's a crap error message as it doesn't actually tell you what the problem is, and trying again repeatedly does nothing to resolve it, so what it suggests you do about it is incredibly unhelpful. For me, it was resolved by applying for a 'proper' Visa Credit card, and accepting the fact that my current bank is going to charge me extra for the privilege of having one of these on my business account (with them debit cards are free, credit cards are not).

So, you can try to find out what the actual problem is by contacting Apple direct, or you can keep trying cards until you find one it accepts. Also bear in mind that there are some countries they won't even accept cards from as well just to complicate matters. This is listed somewhere in the online documentation.