I have "Show line numbers" turned off. But today Xcode 13 started randomly showing line numbers in the left sidebar even though I don't want it to.
If I turn the preference to show line numbers on and then back off again, they go away. For a while.
They ... keep ... coming ... back. I've tried quitting and relaunching Xcode but it doesn't seem to have helped. Any ideas? Seems like a bug.
I may have to start learning to live with them.
It seems like it might have started when I used the feature to compare a file with historical versions of it in git. I think it shows line numbers when you're in that view? But I'm not looking at that anymore and they are still randomly reappearing in my code files.
(The new GUI for viewing that is much more confusing to find than the old one, too.)
Sorry this is a minor thing but it is making me crazy.