Xcode doesn't create 'Products' folder


I am building a framework.

In the past, if I create a framework project [myFrameworkName.framework] file was created in the 'Products' folder.

But my xcode doesn't create 'Products' folder. It also doesn't create [myFrameworkName.framework].

Can I make [myFrameworkName.framework] file?

I do not speak English well So I am using a translator.


Answered by DTS Engineer in 689415022

The Products folder has been removed from the file navigator. You can still access the build location through the Product > Show Build Folder in Finder menu item.

Accepted Answer

The Products folder has been removed from the file navigator. You can still access the build location through the Product > Show Build Folder in Finder menu item.

So to regain the functionality, I first set the Derived folder to be relative to the project so the build product does not end up going somewhere else. Then I add the "Products" folder to the project file and uncheck all the targets so it is a reference-only. The rub is that the non-debug is apparently built elsewhere. How nice to waste time hunting down the output of this too.

Xcode doesn't create 'Products' folder