Xcode cloud build Testflight crashes desymbolication

Anyone know how to get Xcode cloud build crashes desymbolicated? I have a crash in organizer, and there seems to be no way to associate the remote build with the DSYM.

I have a build made through Xcode cloud. I can download artifacts. TBH it's been a while since I've gone fishing for dsyms in an xcarchive but I found one.

Am I missing something?

The main thing symbolication requires is that you have the dSYM located on disk in a place that Spotlight will find. Once Spotlight has indexed the dSYM files, everything else about symbolication using the drag-and-drop method in Xcode will be automatic. The complete instructions for symbolication, as well as troubleshooting information, is documented in Adding Identifiable Symbol Names to a Crash Report.

Thanks Edford, but this page you mention doesn’t mention how to get the dsyms from Xcode cloud and there is no button to download from App Store Connect on those crash reports. https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/devef5928039

can you point me to something that is updated for Xcode cloud?

With Xcode Cloud, you download the build artifacts, which will include an Xcode archive containing the dSYM files.

Not very automated. I’ve forgotten how to get dsyms into the organizer. ( sorry about autocorrect On your name. )

For apps already shipped to the App Store, there is a button in Xcode for downloading the dSYMs from App Store Connect. That doesn't apply here, because you are inquiring about the artifacts you can get from Xcode Cloud, unless you've already published the build to TestFlight with Xcode Cloud. If you're just downloading the build artifacts, there's nothing you need to do to get the dSYMs into Organizer — as long as they are on disk in a Spotlight accessible location, Xcode will find them by querying Spotlight.

These are for the TestFlight internal workflow, which has different entitlements than the store build. There is no button on the organiser, so I am manually downloading archives. I don't know how long I need to wait for the indexing, but it doesn't really seem to be symbolicating. I've had the archive on my Mac for 5 days now, and the frames are still not symbolicated. I was able to use ATOS for this one, but man is that time consuming.

after download the artifact. show in finder:

  1. extract the file
  2. right click then select show package content
  3. right click at folder dSYM, select compress
  4. you can upload the zip
Xcode cloud build Testflight crashes desymbolication