Spacer() is spacing on Apple watch 3

My Apple watch app is showing very strange behavior on an Apple watch Series using swifui. App is made with Xcode 12.5

It works fine on Simulator series 5&6 and on my Watch 6 SE.

Between the H9P3 there is an Spacer() The 3 numbers are distances to a certain GPS coordinate based on the devices GPS position.

Ofcourse I tried googling, without results. Anyone got an idea what is going on?

A video of the behaviour is here:

My code:

var body: some View{
           .digitalCrownRotation($crownValue, from: -9999, through: 9999, by: 1, sensitivity: .low, isContinuous: true, isHapticFeedbackEnabled: true)
         Text(" P")

         VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0){
           //hacky method so that the onreice of location works

         VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 0){
           NavigationLink("map", destination: MapView(courseManager: self.courseManager, locationManager: self.locationManager))
           .frame(width:65, height: 50)
           Button(courseManager.shotTrackingActive ? "\(String(courseManager.shotTrackingDistance))" : "Shot"){
             print("shot button clicked")
             self.confirmShotTracking = true
           .frame(width:65, height: 50)
     .alert(isPresented: $confirmShotTracking){
         title: Text("Reset shot distance?"),
         primaryButton: Alert.Button.default(
           action: {
         secondaryButton: Alert.Button.cancel(Text("No")))
       minWidth: 0,
       idealWidth: 100,
       maxWidth: /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/.infinity/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/,
       minHeight: 0,
       idealHeight: 100,
       maxHeight: /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/.infinity/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/,
       alignment: .topLeading
     .onReceive(locationManager.$location){ location in
       if let location = location {
     .onChange(of: crownValue, perform: { value in
       let roundedValue = Int(value.rounded())
       if(roundedValue == prevCrownValue) { return }
       if prevCrownValue > roundedValue { courseManager.changeHole(next: -1) }
       if prevCrownValue < roundedValue { courseManager.changeHole(next: 1) }
       self.prevCrownValue = roundedValue
     .onAppear() {
     .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.0, coordinateSpace: .local)
         .onEnded({ value in
           if value.translation.width < -40 && abs(value.translation.height) < 30 {
             courseManager.changeHole(next: 1)
             print("swipe left")
           else if value.translation.width > 40 && abs(value.translation.height) < 30 {
             courseManager.changeHole(next: -1)
             print("swipe left")

I saw the video but the problem is not clear. Could you explain on a screen shot what the exact problem is ?

Spacer() is spacing on Apple watch 3