We have an app that already supports Apple CarPlay, but the current app version only supports com.apple.developer.playable-content which is now depricated, I already create a new provisioning profile with the (Carplay Audio Carplay Framework) but when i download the new provisioning profile, xcode says "Provisioning profile doesn't include the com.apple.developer.carplay-audio entitlement.
And i can confirm that the profile doesnt include it with the command line "security cms -D -i App.mobileprovision | xmllint --xpath "/plist/dict/key[text()='Entitlements']/following-sibling::dict[position()=1]
but in the developer portal it says the provisioning profile includes carplay Framework...
Do i miss some steps? (Btw my entitlements file includes both carplay-audio and playable-content keys)