How to change Display Name of Safari Extension?


Can you please help me change the display name of the safari extension for the iPhone/iPad?

I did try all combinations of updating Build and Bundle ids and display names, but nothing worked. I tried updating the CBBundleDisplayName property in the project file and also in plist file, but didn't make any difference.

My app/extension ID is: "ABC.MNO.XYZ", and accordingly, there are four targets generated in Xcode, mainly App, Test, UITest, Extension.

The last target (Extension) one is already set to "ABC MNO XYZ Extension" by default, and there I tried to change the name, but nothing worked, either build issues or no change in the app.

In sum, the app name and extension names, both in Settings >Safari>Extensions and also in the Safari Browser Extension's popup menu, the name I want to set is "ABC MNO".

How to resolve this issue?

Accepted Reply

The display name used in Safari comes from the value in the manifest.json file. Change "name" and "short_name" there.

  • It worked, thanks.

    But, how to change the display name of its icon on the homepage of the iPhone/iPad?

    The actual project name in Xcode project and the rest given is: "ABC MNO XYZ", but the installed app icon on the homepage it is showing(without spaces) as "ABCMNO..", instead I want to change it to just "ABC". How and where do we have to configure this?

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The display name used in Safari comes from the value in the manifest.json file. Change "name" and "short_name" there.

  • It worked, thanks.

    But, how to change the display name of its icon on the homepage of the iPhone/iPad?

    The actual project name in Xcode project and the rest given is: "ABC MNO XYZ", but the installed app icon on the homepage it is showing(without spaces) as "ABCMNO..", instead I want to change it to just "ABC". How and where do we have to configure this?

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