Xcode integration with clang-tidy

Hi, I'm looking for a way to integrate clang-tidy rules with my xcode project. is there a way xcode can read .clang-tidy files and add the rules to each compilation line ?

I couldn't find anyway to do it, so i presume it's unsupported. but perhaps there can be some workaround i can use to modify the compilation according to clang-tidy rules that the IDE read from a file.

thanks !

Hi, Just trying to bump this issue as it's really crucial for me.

Currently in order to workaround this problem I run the CMake twice, once to generate Xcode project and another time to build from regular Makefile.

the Makefile build is meant only for running the clang-tidy, while the Xcode project used for debugging ... however, it's very cumbersome to make the extra builds, and I'm sure there maybe an easier workaround like Xcode plugin or such ...

Xcode integration with clang-tidy