UI gets distorted in iPhone mini series.

I observed that while testing application in the simulator of iPhone12 and iPhone13 mini in Xcode 13.0 with release version is not working properly. As I am facing few issues like screen gets blur when I am scrolling page up and down. Sometime image is breaking etc. I have tested on other devices its working fine only facing this issue in the mini series only.

I can confirm this. The iPhone mini simulators are pretty much unusable as of Xcode 13. Congrats, this marks a new low in the release of Apple developer tools.

Yes correct, I faced the same issue on xCode 13

Unfortunately, me too, on iPhone 13 mini. Did not try the 12 mini.

I've had the same issue with iPhone 13 mini rendering graphics and scrollviews. I've removed and re-installed with no resolve.

UI gets distorted in iPhone mini series.