I have a AVVideoComposition with customCompositor. The issue is sometimes AVPlayer crashes on seeking, especially when seektolerance is set to CMTime.zero. The reason for crash is request.sourceFrame(byTrackID: trackId) returns nil even though it should not. Below is a sample of 3 instructions and time ranges, and all contain only track 1.
2021-09-09 12:27:50.773825+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] Instruction 0.0, 4.0
2021-09-09 12:27:50.774105+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] ...Present TrackId 1 in this instruction
2021-09-09 12:27:50.774196+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] Instruction 4.0, 5.0
2021-09-09 12:27:50.774258+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] ...Present TrackId 1 in this instruction
2021-09-09 12:27:50.774312+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] ...Present TrackId 1 in this instruction
2021-09-09 12:27:50.774369+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] Instruction 5.0, 18.845
2021-09-09 12:27:50.774426+0400 VideoApp[86227:6913831] ...Present TrackId 1 in this instruction
VideoApp /VideoEditingCompositor.swift:141: Fatal error: No pixel buffer for track 1, 4.331427
Here is the simple line of code that produces this error:
guard let pixelBuffer = request.sourceFrame(byTrackID: trackId) else {
fatalError("No pixel buffer for track \(trackId), \(request.compositionTime.seconds)")
As can be seen, time 4.331427 seconds is very much in time limits of second instruction that runs from 4.0 seconds to 5.0 seconds. Why the custom compositor returns nil pixel buffer then? And the times are random (the time values for crash keep changing), next time i run the program to specifically seek at this time, it does return valid pixel buffer! So it has nothing to do with particular time instant. Also playback is totally fine (without seeking). It's something that is to do with AVFoundation framework than the app.
Has anyone seen such an error ever?