iOS 15 Beta 7 & 8 - App process killed , when App performs back ground processing

Application process being killed by iOS internal, when the application was background for more than 30 secs and application is consuming Bluetooth External Asseceries frameworks (data transmission or just Bluetooth connected, no data transmission) or periodic network upload is progress in background

Not observed this issue in till iOS 15 beta 6. Observed in iOS 15 Beta 7 and 8

am I missing any new configuration to run the application in background other than External BLE Accessaries and Uses Bluetooth LE Accessories in Background ?

I encountered a same problem with this question. I'm using a wired external accessory in iOS 15.2 and app is killed after doing something in background mode for 30 seconds. I already checked External accessory communication and Background processing in Signing & Capabilities tab. Fortunately this issue is not occurred in iOS 14. (Hope this help for solving this issue) Please anyone give me any clue.

Having the exact same experience. Start recording activity with a BLE device.  External accessory communication and Background processing are checked in Signing & Capabilities. After I start the recording I lock the screen. App dies shortly after. It was working fine prior to ios 15.

iOS 15 Beta 7 & 8 - App process killed , when App performs back ground processing