I think it really depends on the application. Maybe in your case, the answer is a solid No.
But I built an IOS app for field service technicians is was very complex using a CoreData backend, synching data with the company server, with multiple types of database lookups ( customers ( over 16,000 locally stored ), inventory ( 9000 plus locally stored ) , catalogs, etc, signature capture, pdf invoice printout with print, text messaging, and email send, barcode scanning, and photo capture with camera and then upload to server.
Began the coding in January, 2020 and had it initially operational on just about everything you read above by May, 2020. And the bubba runs without problems. Total number of coders - 1 - me. Now I will not say that I did not run into problems. I did. But from what we have today from what I started with in early 2020 is way better. SwiftUI enabled me to build this in a very short time frame. And then we started adding to it from there.
So I think it depends. A lot of work still needs to be done in SwiftUI by Apple.
Now I am working on a Pdf Report Designer to work with our CoreData storage that needs to work with both IOS and Mac OSX and I see that the SwiftUI does not work the same across the operating systems and I have run into specific problems that I did not anticipate with pdf creation. Works great on IOS. Nada on OSX.
Image of a screen from the service order entry. One of about 70 plus screens. Just one I pulled from a support reply.