Notifying Apple of consumption from IAP

I have an in-app purchase implementation that's used as a one-off purchase, and the consumable is consumed at the time of "checkout".

Would someone please let me know whether Apple should be notified the consumable was consumed.

If so, is there any sample implementation, preferably server-side to accommodate more advanced options (e.g., bulk purchases, etc.)?

I found a video from WWDC2019 titled "In-App Purchases and Using Server-to-Server Notifications", watching now ...

the video talks about subscription notifications, doesn't address responding to a consumable was consumed

Short answer is yes consumption data can be provided when we’ve requested it via the Server Notification type CONSUMPTION_REQUEST. You can hear more about Consumption data in our 2021 WWDC session “Support customers and handle refunds”

Notifying Apple of consumption from IAP