Cannot specialize Self error (XCode 13 beta 5)?

Is there any change in Swift, so this:

guard                let thisDataSource = tableView.dataSource as? Self<SectionIdentifierType, ItemIdentifierType, EquatableCellContent>, let cell = cellProvider(tableView, indexPath, itemIdentifier) else { return nil }

cannot be compiled in the XCode 13 beta 5? This works with XCode 12, but the XCode 13 beta 5 does not compile, and says: Error: Cannot specialize Self

(I have created feedback about this too, but my experience with resolving feedbacks is not the best...)

The code is the example example in

Answered by hibernat in 686486022

Resolved. Xcode 12 does not compile correctly.

Instead of Self<SectionIdentifierType, ItemIdentifierType, EquatableCellContent> is enough just Self. Works in Xcode 13.

Thanks, Apple!

Accepted Answer

Resolved. Xcode 12 does not compile correctly.

Instead of Self<SectionIdentifierType, ItemIdentifierType, EquatableCellContent> is enough just Self. Works in Xcode 13.

Thanks, Apple!

Cannot specialize Self error (XCode 13 beta 5)?