safari-web-extension-converter not setting icons

I just converted a chrome extension with XCode command line xcrun /Applications/ /Users/macminitwo/Downloads/new-tab-background which had no icon in manifest, after conversion there was build error

error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/macminitwo/camo theme/Shared (App)/Resources/Icon.png' (in target 'camo theme (iOS)' from project 'camo theme')

Then I updated manifest.json of main project and added icon to the project

"icons": { "16": "icon16.png", "48": "icon48.png", "128": "icon128.png" }

tried converting again, and it still gave same error. Now, I have to manually put the icon in "resources" folder.

Note: every time on conversion, it said abort trap 6

What should I do to not get this error? And have icon there already.

System Info: macOS: 11.4 Big Sur XCode: 13.0 beta 3

Have you found any answer? I also used setIcon in my firefox extension but in safari icon not changed

safari-web-extension-converter not setting icons