SecIdentitySetPreferred behavior changed after MacOS 11.3

It looks like Apple API SecIdentitySetPreferred appends bundleID suffix to all newly created identity preference objects on all the paths that are fed into the API

Before MacOS 11.3:

After MacOS 11.3: (

This results in some people getting prompted for cert pickers on Safari when they hit endpoints that start with prefix.

Is there any way to make SecIdentitySetPreferred to behave like before MacOS 11.3?

Think I might be experiencing the same. Safari on MacOs keeps prompting for Microsoft Workplace Join Certificate and it seems to be ignoring the already configured identity preferences for and Clicking Continue in Safari creates a new identity preference for the same URL but appended with a long string of random characters. Can't figure out how to create a new ID preference that Safari will honor.

SecIdentitySetPreferred behavior changed after MacOS 11.3